The Buffalo City Metro will be engaging the public to get inputs on its draft 2022/2023 financial year Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and Budget.

The BCM Council has adopted a draft IDP and Budget, paving the way for the document to be published publicly in order to get public inputs.

The City is therefore calling on people to fully participate on the roadshows as they assist the Metro in planning for its upcoming financial year which starts in July.

During the IDP&Budget meetings community members are afforded an opportunity to raise key issues on service delivery matters that affect them as well as priority issues in their wards. 

Also contained in the IDP & Budget document are Tariffs, Grants and Subsidies and issues that affect the BCM residents directly. The Metro will address issues of each and every ward and outline plans.

Roadshows are divided into three regions, namely Coastal (East London areas), Midland (Mdantsane areas) and Inland (Qonce and Bhisho areas).

In previous years, Metro residents gathered in community halls and stadiums to indicate to the City leadership what they wanted to see happening in their wards, and what they want included in the IDP.

With fears of another wave of Covid-19 and limitations on massive gatherings, communities are being asked to make their submissions through community radio stations and online platforms.

The community radio stations to be utilized are Keith Ngesi Online Radio, Mdantsane FM, Wildcoast FM, Kumkani FM and Izwi Lethemba FM.

Social media platforms to be used are the BCM Facebook page, BCMTV Facebook, Dispatch LIVE, Keith Ngesi Radio and the BCM Twitter page.

The WhatsApp line to be used is 072 904 0211.

The email address to be used is: idp.budget@buffalocity.gov.za.
The IDP & Budget Speech will also be made available on the Municipal Website at www.buffalocity.gov.za .
