The Metro is on record saying that it not meeting our collection targets due to non-payments by government departments, businesses, and individual households.
This has led to the Metro halting some of its capital and operating expenditures.
The Metro is now implementing the full credit control policy and its targeting all biggest and smallest defaulters.
Domestic households owe a combined R 3,1 billion, businesses owe a combined R1, 3 billion and government owe a combined R 65, 3 million.
The Metro has started with the full credit control policy which includes blocking consumers from purchasing electricity.
Under the hash tags #BUFFALOCITYneedsYOU #PAYyourDEBT #REVENUEcollection #STOPillegalconnections, the Metro is starting with disconnections.
We are urging those that owe us to pay up and avoid penalty fees.