The launch is a sub-campaign of the Executive Mayor’s 1st 100 days campaign. The sub-campaign is called Performance2theMAX.
Welcoming guests at the venue City Manager for Buffalo City Mxolisi Yawa said, “We are here today to launch this system which is intended to protect employees and we also get assessed based on what we had committed to achieve, we call upon you as employees to embrace and own this system.”
Highlighting the purpose of the launch Head of Corporate Services Bob Naidoo said, “This is a first event taking place in the municipality where political leadership of the institution led by the Executive Mayor, senior management led by the City Manager, organised labour and lower-level employees are together to reflect on challenges confronting our municipality and the City as a whole.”
Naidoo also added that the sub-campaign is to be piloted as a project to focus in two service delivery directorates mainly Solid waste and Environment Management (grass cutting & collection of refuse) and Infrastructure Services (water & sanitation).
The Executive Mayor of BCMM Princess Faku gave the keynote speech and said, “The Constitution enjoins all spheres of government to be governed by the democratic values and principles of public administration enshrined in the Constitution, which includes principles such as, a high standard of professional ethics must be promoted and maintained.Efficient, economic and effective use of resources must be promoted and so forth.”
“Public administration must be development-oriented, services must be provided impartially, fairly, equitably and without bias.” added Faku.
In closing she emphasised that as the City they need to promote the culture of performance and accountability.
We know that a well implemented performance management has many benefits.
The launch took place at the East London Golf club.