The campaign forms part of the Good Green Deeds programme that was launched in 2019 by President Cyril Ramaphosa. Good Green Deeds seeks to change people’s attitudes, behaviours towards responsible management of waste and keeping their neighbourhoods clean, green and safe.
The programme is also a positive drive towards a clean South Africa which is free of litter and illegal dumping with more emphasis required in ensuring that the citizens now take a stand against the litter in their neighbourhoods and start to clean-up their areas.
As part of the City's plan to join the campaign, the Executive Mayor has kicked off the Friday Blitz and Fix Campaign to cleanse and fix the City of any damaged infrastructure and also keep it clean.
Speaking at the Mdantsane Highway Taxi Rank the Executive Mayor Xola Pakati said, "The intention of this campaign is to ensure that we live in a clean city and also ensure that the infrastructure is serviced. We need people to help us in making sure the City is clean and that they do not contribute to illegal dumping."
The City is resolute in the programme by clearing illegal dump sites and keeping the City clean every Friday.
The City’s refuse removal service are still operating optimally during this period of the COVID-19 lockdown.