Terms of Reference: Call for proposals from event promoters and organizers for strategic events partnership with BCMM for 2019/2020 financial year
Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality hereby requests proposals for partnering in the hosting of strategic events that profile the city for 2019/2020 (July 2019 – June 2020) financial year. The event must be aimed at attracting a significant number of visitors provincially, nationally and intern
The proposal should outline the following:
• Event’s ability to increase visitor numbers and increase visitor spend in the city
• Events ability to contribute towards breaking tourism seasonality and improve geographical spread of visitors throughout the city.
• Ability of the event to contribute towards local economy by attracting new money to the city (cash injection from visitors).
• Events ability to maximise Buffalo City Metro brand exposure at various levels prior to, during and post the event.
• Events ability to create job opportunities and transfer of skills
• Events plan to generate positive publicity and profile the city as a preferred destination
• Events ability to promote reconciliation and social cohesion.
• Event’s ability to capitalize on existing talent, natural beauty, rich history and heritage as well as existing facilities.
To download the application form follow the link: http://bit.ly/2FjVWGy