The new night vision cameras are synchronised and can pick up a speeding vehicle or a vehicle crossing an imaginary line from 30 metres away.
They are part the road upgrades along the NEX and this means that they were installed at no extra cost to the Municipality.
The newly installed Artemis cameras which uses the radar are one of three sets that is being installed across the City.
The City is employing a number of preventative methods to curb speeding including erections of speed humps, traffic, circles and speed cameras.
Recent studies have found that most fatalities in vehicle collisions have been caused by the severity of the impact and high speed, which leads to severe the injuries and fatalities. This is also the case with driving whilst intoxicated. Speed cameras act as a deterrent and mitigate against some of these factors, particularly speeding.
An example of this is the Gonubie Main Road, which is one of the busiest roads in the City with hundreds of cars passing during pick hour. During the past financial year, over 18 000 vehicles were recorded travelling over the permitted speed.
The collision rate and severity of accidents in Gonubie has dropped ever since the upgrades installation of the cameras.
The Municipality chooses areas with the highest number of collisions to install speed cameras based on scientific studies and through these studies, a Traffic Safety plan is developed.
Before this is done, permission is sought from the Director of Public Prosecution for the installation of speed cameras. The Traffic Safety Plan is reviewed every five years.
The BCM Traffic Departments also sets up mobile speed traps daily, in critical identified areas and has also established a Speed Enforcement Unit to manage these.
Motorists are encouraged to check fines via the “Check my fine” website or people can visit the Braelynn Traffic Department, Office Room 25 to check their fines.
The City also collects fines through the Automated Number-plate Recognition (ANPR) Bus System whereby summons can now be printed and paid via speed point on site.
The BCMM Automated Number-Plate Recognition (ANPR) bus is equipped with technology used to read vehicle number plates and detect offences registered under those vehicles.
We also urge people to report acts of vandalism on our cameras to the Traffic Department or nearest Police Station.