The purpose of this exercise was to ensure that there is progress on these developments since the committee’s last visits at the beginning of the year.
Cllr. Peter expressed her excitement and commended the teams for the hard work they have put in the projects.
“The committee was impressed with the developments especially considering that these were requests raised at the IDP meetings. A lot of development has been done at the resorts we are grateful. The standing committee is pleased to see that the budget for these projects is spent on the appropriate things.”
She added, "We are really proud of these developments that have been done by community services I am very much appreciative of all the work that has been done by the officials, and the ward councillors of these different areas."
The sites visited included Kidds Beach Transfer Station, Kaysers Beach Transfer Station, Leaches Bay, Orient Beach, EL Aquarium, Beacon Bay Transfer Station, NU 3 Hall, NU 10 Hall, NU 2 swimming pool, Nompumelelo Hall, Gonubie Resorts.