The project forms part of the greater Mdantsane 18cc 1,500 urban housing project and is aimed at accommodating 1,500 households in total. It also forms part of the Housing Sector Plan and Integrated Development Plan of the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality.
The project is currently in the business plan for the 2022/2023 - 2026/2027 financial years for construction and funding has been reserved for these financial years. The greater Mdantsane 18cc housing project is an urban project for the development of 1,500 top structures with municipal services including water, sewer, stormwater and roads.
The project seeks to benefit qualifying beneficiaries in the five wards namely Ward 21, 22, 23, 30 and 48 in Mdantsane 18cc of the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality.
Nocawe Basikithi's eyes sparkled with happiness and gratitude as she accepted the keys to her new home, a huge upgrade from her old dilapidated shack and was clearly looking forward to enjoying a more comfortable and peaceful living space.
“I used to reside in a flimsy shack that would leak profusely during rainfall, causing immense grief and discomfort,” said Basikithi.
In her keynote address, BCMM Executive Mayor Councillor Princess Faku said: “As we construct these houses, our goal as the Metro is to create a brighter future for everyone.
The Executive Mayor also urged beneficiaries to treasure and maintain these Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) houses and refrain from selling them, so that they continue to serve as a foundation for a better life for generations to come.
The ceremonial handover of the RDP houses was officiated by Buffalo City's Executive Mayor, Princess Faku on Monday, 27 May 2024.